Canine Preventative Care
As many know, dogs age faster than humans. The 7-year to 1 human year is a bit of an oversimplification. The age range for dogs can range anywhere from 4-15 years, depending on breed and size. In fact, puppies age rapidly, and after their first year of life, they are approximately 15 in human years. Although aging slows down a bit after the first year, when it comes down to it, dogs age faster than humans. Preventative health performs best when there is a comprehensive plan to manage your dog's overall health and wellness.
The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) has a set of guidelines to manage and carry out preventative care for canines.
It is highly recommended that all dogs have a veterinary examination annually. For a lot of dogs, more frequent visits are recommended based on the individual needs of the dog. Based on assessment and examination results, below are some common things that need to be maintained or may be adjusted with treatment plans after physical examination findings:
- Parasite prevention and control
- Nutrition
- Age and breed considerations
- Medical conditions
Compared to treating advanced forms of conditions, diseases, or disorders, preventative healthcare will ensure that your dog experiences a minimum amount of discomfort. Making long-term health a priority for your pup will increase their general well-being and longevity.
Besides taking them for their routine checkups, here is a list of basic healthcare that you should provide for your dog to maintain wellness:
- Oral health
- Weight maintenance
- Keeping pets away from hazardous household items
- Regular grooming
- Exercise
Adding supplements to support daily routine and optimize the quality of life of your dog is also a viable option. After discussing a healthcare plan with your vet, supplements may help maintain optimal health.
At PetFX, we have a wide range of supplements that aim to support and regulate your dog’s overall well-being. When it comes to proper gut health, when the balance of beneficial bacteria becomes disrupted, irritation of the intestinal tract can occur. GI Balance Health Supplement Sticks can aid in protecting the digestive tract, support the innate resistance to pathogens, and balance intestinal flora.

Antioxidant Support in Supplement and Infusion form uses an advanced antioxidant cascading formulation which neutralizes multiple free radicals. Continuous use of our Antioxidant Supplement or Infusion may assist your dog in combating environmental pollutants, eliminating free radicals associated with the aging process, and reducing the negative effects of oxidative stress.
Canine Inflammatory Reduction
Arthritis, inflammation, and joint discomfort affect most dogs as they age and are some of the more common sources of soreness. Preventative measures you can perform at home and recommendations from your veterinarian can help ease and manage discomfort and improve your pup's joint health.
Arthritis, which leads to joint inflammation and discomfort and also discomfort associated with daily exercise and play, can cause chronic irritation and negatively affect the quality of life. Arthritis occurs when the joint is unstable, causing the bones to move abnormally within the joint. Over time, this erodes the cartilage, and the bone begins to rub against the bone, which creates discomfort and inflammation.
How to Recognize Arthritis
The most easily recognizable sign is limping. Other more subtle signs can include noticing your dog seems to be “slowing down” or may not have the same exuberance as they once did. Maybe your dog doesn’t seem as interested in chasing after the ball you always throw, or they don’t show interest in going upstairs or have trouble jumping up on sofas and beds or getting in the car on their own. Changes in your pet’s behavior should always get discussed with your veterinarian.
Some dogs are genetically predisposed to developing joint issues in their hips and elbows. Genetic predispositions are where nutrition plays a much larger role in preventative care. It is important that you provide your puppy with a proper diet designed to support and maintain nutritional balance so that its bones and joints develop appropriately.
Therapeutic supplements containing Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids can help reduce inflammation and target discomfort.
Discomfort Relief Supplements and Infusions

CBD and Hemp-Infused products such as our Discomfort Relief Infusion and Supplements and our CBD Soft Chews may help to improve mobility and reduce joint discomfort. CBD and hemp oil have anti-inflammatory properties by interacting with the CB1 and CB2 receptors in the endocannabinoid system.
The endocannabinoid system is in almost all mammals, yes, humans too! It is also responsible for maintaining balance inside the body, regulating hormones, and modulating the signals responsible for discomfort and the activation of inflammation. Through these CB1 and CB2 receptors, CBD affects how the endocannabinoid system activates discomfort and inflammatory responses, which can help alleviate discomfort and swelling.
Preventative Care: Horses
Similar to canine preventative care, each horse is unique, lives in a different environment, and has its own set of genetics. Hoof care varies, and the factors listed above, as well as the needs and expectations of horse owners, contribute to the wide range of practices for hoof care. Preventative care from bacteria and disease remains an essential part of hoof care.
Cleaning your horse’s hooves needs to be done frequently and is important for many reasons. Hooves pick up debris, and it is not uncommon to find twigs, nails, rocks, and dirt lodged in them. Nails, glass, and other sharp objects may pierce the sole or cause discomfort.
Often, it is hard to spot wounds in hooves unless there is a noticeable limp, and treatment is not always easy. Manure, wet soil, or dirt left in the hoof can also increase the chances of fungal infections. Even with regular cleanings, you will still want to disinfect as a part of your hoof care routine to prevent and eliminate any fungal or bacterial issues.

TrioX® will help eliminate harmful microorganisms and clear the hoof of pathogens that could lead to odor, disease, and in more serious cases, lameness. You don’t have to wait until an injury occurs to use TrioX®. You can use TrioX® in your preventative routine to clear the hooves of pathogens or bacteria that may have made their way inside.
After cleaning, use TrioX® to penetrate deeply into the hoof layers, effectively removing bacteria and pathogens that cause deterioration and promoting healthy tissue growth. With larger animals such as horses or cows, disinfecting hooves as part of preventative care with a ready-to-use spray like TrioX® makes the experience easier for the animal and yourself. To protect your horse from diseases, bacteria, fungi, thrush, and many other ailments, use TrioX®.